If you deal with internet marketing, manage a large number of websites or operate in affiliation, our software is for you. 301lite is a modern internet application designed for people dealing with internet marketing, in particular e-mail marketing, affiliation and promotion in social media. By creating a link "shortcut", you can divide traffic between multiple landing pages using a single URL. You can divide the traffic in a percentage and / or according to the language of the visitors. If you notice that one of the pages has a better conversion, you can redirect all traffic to that page during the campaign. You can do everything easily, quickly and at any time. If you work in an affiliate, you know how important are affiliate links that contain the affiliate identifier, also if you redirect traffic to the website using the UTM parameter in the link. You can add such a link to our application along with an identifier (UTM, ID, ref, etc.) or send it as a parameter by adding it to a shortened link by our system. This parameter will go to the advertiser's website. Social media campaigns can be troublesome because some links are not accepted by mechanisms such as Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram. The 301lite also helps in solving this issue. Save your time with 301lite right now
Starting from $199.00
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